Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya
Since 1968
Introducing ACEK
The Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya (ACEK) is a membership organization which was founded in 1968.
Its main objective is to promote the advancement of professionalism within the consulting engineering sector and cooperation among consulting engineers. The scope encompasses all engineering practice activities including providing a forum for Government, Public Institutions, Industry and Trade representatives among others to interface with consulting engineers as a group and ascertain their collective views.
The Association is a member of FIDIC Africa, the Group of African Member Associations of FIDIC, KEPSA, Kenya Private Sector Alliance and APSEA, the Association of Professional Societies in East Africa.
ACEK sustains its activities from contributions of its members who pay through subscriptions, service charges and donations.
The Association receives complaints from their member firms and also acts as a public watchdog on engineering issues.
Our Objectives
In this section, we outline our mission-driving objectives, providing clarity and alignment in pursuing our overarching goals.
- Represent nationally the majority of firms providing technology based intellectual services for the built environment’.
- Assist members with issues relating to business practice.
- Enhance the image of consulting engineers as leaders and wealth creators in society.
- Define and actively promote conformance to a code of ethics.
- Promote our commitment to environmental sustainability.
- Associate Consulting Engineers for the purpose of co-operation and mutual advantage and consultation.